

True Confessions of a Fabric-Stasher

What’s soft, pretty, and hides in your closet?

Well, it’s either your kitty or your fabric stash!

There isn’t room for a kitty in my fabric-stash closet.

And then there’s the baskets filled with project ideas, they’re all over my house. They do serve a purpose though, they keep the dogs off the sofa.

Yes, I Confess, I'm a Fabricaholic

If it’s under $3 a yard, I just can’t resist. And since I weave with it, I’ve got to buy yards and yards. And this fabric was only $1 a yard.

I remember the lady at Wal-Mart having to roll out and count yards and yards of it for me. It was only $1 a  yard, and it might be gone tomorrow, so I’d better get all the colors I want to fill any dream I may have for it. I think I was sorta planning to weave it into a bedspread. But I’ve got a king-sized bed so that never happened.

So last fall I decided to make a basket out of it. A nice coiled basket to hold even more yarn that I’m sure to buy for some good reason I’ll never remember. I’ve gotten a good start on it.

Coiled Fabric Basketry

But since it’s autumn colors, I guess I won’t work on it until October rolls around again... and again.

And that’s just the orangey colors.

So I decided to try one of the fabric-strip backdrops I’ve seen on Facebook or somewhere.

I had a wooden pole left over from a project I once did. See what a good thing it is to never throw anything away? 

I measured the length needed to go from the floor to the top of the window and back to the floor, then I added another foot just to make sure it was long enough. After that, I cut all the yards of fabric into pieces as long as the length I measured.

After that, I cut all the yards of fabric into pieces as long as the length I measured.

The next step was to tear the fabric pieces into two-inch strips, no need to be exact. I was having fun.

I hung the pole halfway down my window so I could reach it easily, turned on a nice podcast to listen to, and using the larks head knot, I tied each fabric strip around the pole. I was just going to use up the blue and green fabric, but I noticed how nicely a bit of orange made it pop. So I spaced out the orange strips first, then filled it in with the bluesy-greens.

curtains from fabric strips

curtains from fabric strips

curtains from fabric strips

curtains from fabric strips

It can get pretty hot here in the desert, so just seeing the sunlight shine through the cool colors is nice and calming. When winter comes, I’ll take the strips down and let the full sun come through the window.

Where will I put it?

Well, I’ll roll it up and put it….

in my fabric stash closet, of course.

No. I don’t have a kitty in there. At least I don’t think I do.

Want to learn to weave with fabric? 

Click here to see my courses.
