I'm Lucy Jennings - I help people gain confidence in their weaving skills so they can relax and have fun.
Were you one of those kids who always had to touch everything?
Me too.
Yarn, fabric, beads, and buttons have always been my favorite art supplies. You're supposed to touch them!
I've got a basket of buttons by my couch, all ready to play with any time I need a little zoning out.
One of my favorite weaving stories is about a young Navajo girl who was blissfully weaving a rug for hours, she described her thoughts as being everywhere... and nowhere. That's exactly what weaving is like to me. Whether on a big floor loom or a simple lap loom, the beating rhythm is meditative and calming. You can't help but slow down and relax.
I want to help you find your everywhere and nowhere happy place.
When I got to college, for some reason I just knew I had to try out weaving. I felt so at home in the weaving class, I never left. I went on to get a Master's in Art Ed. and have been a teacher for over 30 years.
Do you have the itch to give weaving a try - but wonder what you need to get started?
It would be great to learn in a fully equipped studio like I did back in college, but since that probably isn't an option for you, I can help you get started in an easy, simple way.
You might also enjoy my book:
My Little Loom Companion - weaving book for beginners
I grew up in a big family and a big messy house.
And we had the most fun!
We were always making things. Especially out in my father's workshop - I think one of the reasons I was drawn to weaving was all the lovely wooden tools. Lucky for me I had a father who could make me all the tools I asked for - even two spinning wheels.
Now I get to play with wood making looms and weaving tools for you!
I love the smell of the wood cutting in the laser machine, the sawdust I get all over myself, and the feel of the wood after it's been sanded, oiled, and waxed to a smooth finish.