

Tapestry Weaving with Fabric Strips

I grew up sewing and that's what drew me to weaving so many years ago. 

I'm just as happy in a fabric shop as a yarn shop. And I spend too much money in both places. 

Do you have a stash of fabric that's aching to try something new? Come on with me and use it up weaving a beautiful handwoven tapestry. 

Weaving with fabric is often called rag weaving, but I like to refer to it as fabric weaving. You can use fabric you've got on hand... or if you're as bad as me... rationalize buying more because it's just perfect for a weaving project.

I've woven fabric strips to make baby blankets, tablecloths, wall hangings, clothes, and yes, even rugs. I think my favorite is the wall hangings in which I weave the fabric strips into shapes, much like tapestry weaving. And that's what this tutorial series is all about!

Happy Watching and Happy Weaving!




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