Once you learn the coiling technique, making this miniature basket is easy. If you don't know how to coil yet, this free course will teach you.
I used cotton embroidery floss for the green rinds.
The top basket used a thicker inner coil, so I thought the little black seed beads looked best on it.
The bottom basket was for my daughter, and she liked the long beads, I think she was right!
I blended two shades of red floss - I like the mottled effect!
Here’s an inside look at the top basket, I sewed seed beads inside it too.
I added a strand of red novelty rayon weaving yarn to the floss, the loopiness added a nice texture.
Here's a fun fiber art/jewelry project - make a watermelon necklace!
Use the same coiling technique to make a watermelon pendant.
click here to learn how to make it