

Don’t Have a Loom? I Can Help!

Weaving looks like fun, but how much does it cost to get started?

It can cost a whole bunch because there are such beautiful looms, tools, and yarns out there. But before you get totally hooked like I know you will, I’ll show you a way to try it out for only a dollar or two!

Really, people have been weaving for thousands of years, so it can’t be that hard to figure out a simple way to get started. A loom is a loom and you can get fancy or just keep it simple.

So here’s what you’ll need to get started weaving:

  • Craft paper
  • plastic rulers
  • cellophane tape
  • string 
  • tapestry needles
  • a book
  • and some yarn!

 A hardbound picture book is best. I used an Eric Carle book, just for good luck. He’s my hero.

Make Your Loom

Wrap the book just like a present.

The rulers need to be plastic so you can cut them to size.

Glue one to the top and one to the bottom of the book. Double-sided tape also works well. Glue one to the top and one to the bottom of the book. Double-sided tape also works well. Make sure both rulers  start at 0 on the left side.

Winding the Warp Threads

Wind the string around the book, wrapping the twine four times within each inch.

Tie the string ends together in the center of the back side.

Using the ruler to guide you, spread the string threads evenly across the book… which is now a loom!

These threads are called the warp threads.

How to create a twined row at the bottom of the weaving.

Looms often have nails or notches to keep the warp evenly spaced, we are going to twine a row of yarn to secure the spacing.

Tie a loop knot at the end of the row.

I inserted this white ruler as a base to pack the weaving down on. You can use a piece of cardboard or cardstock, I just like the ruler because I can refer to the measurements if I need to.

If you liked this tutorial, why not get your instructions in a handy pdf?

I have a free download that:

  • guides your through turning a book into a loom 
  • gets you started on your first weaving project

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